Want to collaborate and work with the awesome team at 3 Budz Productions? Sign up right here and join in on the fun! We can't wait to have you on board! Vendors Sign-up Right Here! Sign Up Name * First Name Last Name Email * Business Name * Products * What do you sell? Phone Number * Social Media Facebook, Instagram Names Thank you for reaching out!We will keep you considered for ALL future events! Sponsors Sign-up Right Here! Sponsors Name * First Name Last Name Email * Business Name * Sponsorship Package * Details for each package are provided under the "Sponsors" tab Main Stage - 7,500 VIP Tent - 5,000 Kidz Korner - 2,000 Lanyard - 2,000 Green Room - 1,000 Gold - 1,000 Silver - 700 Bronze - 420 Banner - 250 Phone Number * Social Media Facebook, Instagram Names Thank you so much for reaching out to us! We truly appreciate your message and want you to know that we will be in touch with you very soon! Stay tuned for our response! Musician/Band Sign-up Right Here! Musicians Name * First Name Last Name Email * Band Name * Phone Number * Social Media Facebook, Instagram Names Thank you so much for reaching out to us! We truly appreciate your message and want you to know that we will be in touch with you very soon! Stay tuned for our response!